Maltese central bank governor, deputy PM face charges in snowballing corruption case

Allegations of corruption around the so-called Vitals deal figured prominently in the work of the Maltese…

Scientific progress: A look ahead

Twenty years ago. 2004. The year the Olympics returned to their birthplace of Athens. I was…

France shoots to kill the football Super League, once and for all 

The vehement opposition to the Super League project initially stemmed from the organizers’ plan to have…

Regaining lost ground: It’s time for a future-oriented pharmaceutical policy

The importance of pharmaceutical innovation in Europe cannot be underestimated. The pharma industry is one of…

Biosimilar matters

Biosimilar competition is getting fierce. A biosimilar is a biological medicine highly similar to another already…

Agile regulatory rules vital to foster future innovation

It is a challenge as old as lawmaking: how do legislators write rules today that can…

Europe’s health resilience relies on its ability to innovate

In the face of continued global geopolitical uncertainty, Europe is paying increasing attention to its sovereignty,…

Westminster’s tweeters flock to Threads … as the EU misses out

LONDON — Move over Twitter: Westminster’s finest have a new way to hand over their personal…

Boosting trust is key to delivering the EU’s green transition

The EU has set ambitious targets to decarbonize the economy by 2050. Citizens and businesses are…

UK’s Rishi Sunak stands by plan for post-Brexit bonfire of EU laws

LONDON — Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Tuesday told his most senior ministers that work to…