Internship Experience at Leopold Cafe, Colaba, Mumbai: A Friendly and Positive Environment

Name of the Student

Tanvi Darji

College and Year of Study

Smt. Kamalaben Gambhirchand College of Law of S.N.D.T University; 3rd Year, LL.B

Name and Address of the Organization

Leopold cafe, Colaba, Mumbai.

Duration of Internship

March 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022; 4 months

How did you Apply?

I applied through LinkedIn, networking, and personally approaching.

First Day Formalities, Infrastructure, First Impression

The cafe had extraordinarily professionalism. I had a specific time to join the office section. The people working there helped me in my lacking and guided me throughout my tenure. A friendly and positive environment.

Main Tasks

  • Arbitration matters related to the cafe.
  • Drafting demand notices.
  • Reading and briefing of case files.

Work Environment

It was extremely professional, always guided, and helped. I had to attend to other matters in different courts with the seniors.

Good things

The fact that I was working with one of the famous cafes in Mumbai was one good thing. I learned so much from the people working there. It was very welcoming.

Bad things

Nothing as such.

Accommodation & Conveyance to Office 

For commuting in Mumbai, local trains and Kaali Peeli taxis are the best way.



Note: This Internship Experience was initially published on October 12, 2022. Republished on August 24, 2023.

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