Good news on Chandrayaan-3! Nuclear energy fuels propulsion module orbiting moon, know ISRO’s complete plan

With the help of nuclear energy, the propulsion module of Chandrayaan-3 will continue to revolve around the Moon for the next several years. Chandrayaan 3 landed on the moon on August 23 this year.

The success of Chandrayaan-3 got India a lot of applause in the world. India became the fourth country after America, Russia, and China to land safely on the lunar surface. After the success of the mission, now important information is coming to light regarding it. According to a report in The Times of India, nuclear energy was used in the propulsion module of Chandrayaan-3. With its help, it is still circling the moon.

With the help of nuclear energy, the propulsion module of Chandrayaan-3 will continue to revolve around the Moon for the next several years. Chandrayaan 3 landed on the moon on August 23 this year. About a week before this, on August 17, the propulsion module separated from Chandrayaan. Initially, its life was said to be 3 to 6 months. Now, it is being said that with the help of nuclear energy, it will continue to work for the next two to three years. ISRO will continue to receive important information about the Moon on Earth. When India’s Moon mission was launched, this module contained 1,696 kg of fuel, with the help of which Chandrayaan first orbited the Earth five times. Then, it made six rounds of the moon.

What did the Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission say?

Atomic Energy Commission Chairman Ajit Kumar Mohanty said, “I am happy that India’s nuclear sector can be a part of such an important space mission. ISRO officials said the propulsion module is equipped with two radioisotope heating units (RHU), a one-watt device designed and developed by the Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BHRC). The job of RHU is to maintain this spacecraft at its correct temperature.”

Why was nuclear energy not used in Lander Rover?

Chandrayaan-3 project director P Veeramuthuvel said that ISRO may soon use nuclear resources to maintain equipment in the future rover. RHU could not be installed on Vikram Lander and Pragyan of Chandrayaan-3 because it would increase their weight. It was used as an experiment in the propulsion model. The officer said, “At present, it is working without any fault in the propulsion module. This is the first major joint project of ISRO and BARC.”

Use of nuclear energy in these missions of NASA

Even though India has used nuclear energy for the first time in its space mission, NASA is already doing so. Spacecraft that have used radioisotope heater units include NASA’s Galileo spacecraft to Jupiter, Cassini, and Voyager 1 and 3 to Saturn.

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